
Kelly Dorfman, M.S., LND

  • Licensed Clinical Nutritionist

  • Adjunct Professor, John’s Hopkins University

  • Co-founder, Developmental Delay Resources

  • Author: “Cure Your Child with Food-The Hidden Connection Between Nutrition and Childhood Ailments”

  • Featured on CNN’s American Morning, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Oprah magazine

  • Autism Think Tank Consultant 

Kelly Dorfman, M.S., LND is a licensed clinical nutritionist that specializes in targeted nutrition therapy to address complex medical problems, especially in children. Cure Your Child With Food, her awarding winning book about the surprising ways nutrition impacts common childhood ailments, is published in 8 languages. In the early 1990’s she co-founded the non-profit organization, Developmental Delay Resources to find effective ways to help parents and medical professionals address the emerging autism epidemic. 

Kelly lectures internationally and has been featured on numerous television programs and in periodicals including CNN's American Morning, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and Oprah magazine. She is on the advisory board of the Gateway School of Mumbai, one of the few comprehensive educational programs in India for children with autism and cognitive challenges. She teaches at John Hopkins University as an adjunct faculty member.