About Autism Healthcare Collaborative
Our Vision
The Autism Healthcare Collaborative (AHC) is an internationally recognized non-profit organization committed to facilitating the medical and psychosocial stabilization of individuals and families living with autism.
Our Mission
The Autism Healthcare Collaborative provides a multidisciplinary team approach to the identification and treatment of the complicated medical comorbidities of autism by connecting medical experts to families and physicians around the world through medical videoconferencing.
AHC offers innovative solutions for individuals with autism, across the spectrum and throughout their lifetime, through comprehensive case management, community outreach, advocacy, and education.
Learn more about how AHC provides medical videoconferences for families and their physicians across the U.S. and around the world, improving health outcomes and sharing knowledge.
About The Autism Healthcare Collaborative
Autism is a lifelong disorder which profoundly effects the entire family, emotionally, medically, and financially. Individuals with medically complex autism are often non-verbal making it difficult for parents and physicians to recognize symptoms of medical conditions frequently resulting in underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions.
This problem is further complicated by a severe shortage of doctors trained to recognize the co-occurring medical conditions of autism. These medical conditions exacerbate the symptoms of autism, decreasing effectiveness of educational and therapeutic interventions, crippling families financially, and destroying family units from living under ongoing physical and mental distress.
In fact, researchers found that autism moms have stress hormone levels similar to that of combat soldiers.
Our model of care management allows families to avoid the unnecessary high stress and costs associated with medical travel, while educating local physicians with best practices in autism healthcare. Providing specialty knowledge to community providers increases access to quality care for more families in need.
The Autism Healthcare Collaborative is committed to facilitating the medical and psychosocial stabilization of the child and family living with autism through programs that address the many needs of individuals across the spectrum and throughout their lifetime.
Autism Healthcare Collaborative has:
Reached over 12,000 individuals through our programs and services.
Provided 66 medical videoconferences for families and their physicians across the US and around the world, improving health outcomes by sharing knowledge.
Donated videoconferencing technology, provided staff training, and developmental screenings at the grand opening of Haven International Learning Center in Ghana, Africa.
Donated medical equipment to the Developmental Learning Centers in Warren and New Providence, NJ, creating a “doctor’s office” learning center, to help students with autism overcome their fear of medical exams.
Coordinated international psychosocial and educational workshops for families and professionals.
Presented to 20 researchers and professors from Shandong University in China, visiting the U.S, to learn about the state of autism and healthcare in our country.
Sponsored winter sessions at the Bounce Factory to offer children with autism and their siblings an opportunity for exercise and play in a safe, inclusive environment.
Hosted annual sensory-friendly carnivals for families living with autism in partnership with the Warren, NJ Lions Club and the Hillsborough, NJ Rotary Club.
Sponsored annual toy drives and family holiday parties with “autism friendly” Santa and Elves with volunteers from local high school athletic teams.
View our map to see the full reach of AHC through our doctors, families, community outreach and programs -- over 12,000 people and counting!
Our Programs